November 30, 2010

I'M A Blogger?

                                      BLOGGING TIME!!

Ok so this is my first post, i'm supposed to be studying for finals but as usual I get distracted and do ANYTHING to get out of studying... SO I decided to start a blog. 
Actually that wasn't the main reason, yesterday my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told her I wanted a professional camera. She then called me an hour later telling me if that's what I really wanted then I should go to Best Buy and get it before it gets sold out. So my amazing mom ordered me the Canon  Rebel T2i. I cannot BEGIN to explain how ecstatic i'm. While I was at Best Buy, a man called Leon was helping me and he had the canon I got, the way he was speaking about his camera was as if it had saved his life .Haha. Yay early Christmas present for me!

I haven't been able to take pictures or anything because of finals, BUT in exactly 8 days I fly back home to Dubai and I'll start taking tons of pictures to share with who ever sees my blog. Currently I'm the only one reading my blog because I haven't told anyone about this, I will once it's all fancy schmancy

Basically in my blog i'll be taking pictures of whatever I see, especially the amazing people i'm surrounded by. What inspired me? My new camera .Haha. Seriously... It did. 
Why am I choosing to blog about what I see? Well my camera inspires me to take pictures of my surroundings :) Don't all cameras do? Now this is where the explanation of  the name of my blog comes in. "A Prima Vista" means At First Sight in Italian. I read this a long time ago and I thought it basically explained the concept of my blog and of course since it's in Italian I had to choose it. I'm currently taking Italian and i'm in LOVE with the language. I want to perfect all the romance languages.. I wish. 

Speaking of Italian, I have an oral examination tomorrow and I need to do well in it. 


These are some photos I'd like to share with the world, they are my FIRST ever pictures taken with my camera! They are pretty horrible and I didn't even edit them but I just feel like the first pictures should never be edited. 

My first picture, I was waiting for the DC metro. I literary took out my camera and took a picture of anything.

Now this is all in my dorm room. I was really bored as you can see. The picture with the tissue right under this text is pretty nasty but it looks cool to me .Haha. I had a scab and scratched it off.. .